What is FastR?
FastR allows runners to monitor training volume, speed and importantly the responses to prescribed training. The FastR app can be found here.
What is the scientific basis for FastR?
Training load, which is typically a combined measure of volume and intensity, is often used in monitoring systems to ESTIMATE the extent to which training is leading to changes in fatigue, fitness and performance.
FastR works in a different way.
FastR monitors volume (distance) and speed separately. Average speed and average training distance over an 8 week period are predictive of running performance - greater average distance at a faster average speed leads to a better performance. FastR allows runners to see the impact of altering volume and speed over time.
FastR calculates a novel measure of training response. A positive training response indicates that running economy - a key performance-related measure - is on average improving over time. Increased fatigue or illness will cause a blunted response compared to normal indicating that training is too intense or the runner is completing too much volume.
Together, volume, speed and response variables allow runners to MEASURE the extent to which their training prescription affects performance. When a runner increases training volume and/or speed in the build up to a race, the principle is that the runner adjusts training to maintain a positive training response. This is done by adjusting the frequency and the distance of each training session.
What are the benefits of using FastR?
FastR provides feedback on whether runners are responding and adapting to a training program taking them closer to their desired performance. FastR can also be used to assess whether a given training intervention has had the desired effect.
How do I sign up to FastR?
Currently, FastR is set up for Garmin users only and requires heart rate data. Best results are obtained from using a chest strap when measuring heart rate.
FastR is currently free to use. If you use a Garmin watch and want to try FastR please go to the FastR app, click “Create Account” and fill in the requested details. Alternatively, please contact me via the Contact page.
If you decide to sign up, you will need to import some data. Please follow the steps in the following videos to 1. download files from your Garmin Connect account and 2. upload files to the FastR app:
How to : download your Garmin data from Garmin Connect
How to : upload your Garmin files to FastR
Once you have data in the system, here is : a guide to using FastR